The ADHD Medication Guide
Courtesy of Andrew Adesman, MD.
The Adverse Health Outcomes, Economic Burden, and Public Health Implications of Unmanaged Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Russell A. Barkley
Fact Sheet: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Topics
Russell A. Barkley
The Important Role of Executive Functioning and Self-Regulation in ADHD
Russell A. Barkley
Classroom Accommodations for Children with ADHD
Russell A. Barkley
International Consensus Statement on ADHD, January 2002
(en espanol)
ADHD: Making the Invisible Visible
S Young, M Fitzgerald, MJ Postma
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - A Review of the Scientific Evidence
Russell A. Barkley
What Causes ADHD?
Russell A. Barkley
A Critical Review of the Trade Book, ADHD Nation
Alan J. Zametkin, M.D. and Mary V. Solanto, Ph.D.
ADHD Likely Reduces Estimated Life Expectancy by Young Adulthood
Russell A. Barkley
A Guide to ADHD for Professionals - The World Federation of ADHD (2019)
Luis Augusto Rohde | Jan K. Buitelaar | Manfred Gerlach | Stephen V. Faraone